Monday 9 November 2015

Language which I Wanna Learn.

I wanna learn Chinese and Japanese. Chinese is very interested for me so that when I listen Chinese talk I really wanna understand. actually, I started Chinese study when I was 14 from real Chinese with my friends for 2 months so that I learned Chinese funny. so, Chinese is very impressive for me. and I learned Chinese when I was a high school students. However, that's not enough. I just learned a little. Thus, if I have chance, I wanna learned Chinese more deeply. Second, I wanna speak in Japanese. Before I came here, I didn't know Japanese, I knew just really basic things, just like thank you, hello, mosimosi in Japanese something like that. However, here are many Japanese so I have met many Japanese friend. and I learned very useful expression. That is really funny. I interested in Japanese and Japan culture and I wanna read hiragana,gatakana! and of course I love travel, so when I meet foreigner, I wanna talk in their language because it makes more can understand each other. also, I can learn their culture and more wide world! 


  1. I want to learn Chinese too!!!!

  2. Minju kawaii! (it means you are cute)

  3. Me too! I want to learn Chinese!

  4. Japanese "Arigatou" is English " Thank you".

  5. Hiragana and katakana are not too difficult to took me a few months after I moved to Japan to figure them out. They're like an alphabet.

    Chinese is interesting for me, so when I listen to Chinese people talk, I really want to understand.

    Also, I can learn their culture and expand my horizons!
