LUNAR NEW YEAR'S DAY is new year holiday in Korea. lunar new year's day is the biggest holiday in Korea. and my country has lunar calendar. I heard many countries don't have lunar calendar. we have two account day system, so we reckon the days according to the lunar calendar. anyway! we know January 1 is new year, but we celebrate Lunar new year's day.
and we vow to older family that means respect you and receive lucky! after that, they give money to young family.
and we get a money from related family. however, nowadays I'm not child anymore, so I'm little embarrassed, when I received money.
We eat a lot of food, but Tteok-guk is main food, this is rice cake soup. and usually we add mandu(dumpling)! in addition, when we eat this food, we think really we get a 1-old.
so, sometimes if we eat a tteok-guk twice or more we say you get a 2,3 years! this is just kidding in Korea.
I think Lunar New Year is a cool holiday. I celebrated it when I lived in was exciting to see all the gifts and food!
We have two types of calendars, so we classify the days according to the lunar calendar.
However, nowadays I'm not a child anymore, so I'm a little embarrassed when I receive money.